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8 thoughts on “Archive”

  1. Pingback: Sheila B. Robinson on “Ancora Imparo Valutazione” (I am still learning evaluation)! · AEA365

  2. Pingback: Cultural Competence Week: Cindy Crusto and Osman Ozturgut on the Re-Introduction to AEA Public Statement on Cultural Competence in Evaluation Dissemination Working Group and Reminder to Examine the “Self” · AEA365

  3. Pingback: Sheila B. Robinson on Being an AEA365 Sponsored Weeks Archaeologist! · AEA365

  4. Pingback: Celebrate 1000 aea365 Posts – Win a Free AEA Membership – What’s Your Favorite? · AEA365

    1. Believe it or not, I had a hard time picking which one I loved the most! i settled on “EdEval Week: Tiffany Berry on Using Developmental Psychology to Promote the Whole Child in Educational Evaluations” mostly because I’m a mother and a child advocate first and really appreciate the inclusion of the whole child in evaluation practice (kids are such amazing little beings). In general, though, I so appreciate the perspectives and tips and resources that arrive in my inbox daily. It’s a wonderful service and I can truly say that I’ve learned things and implemented new practices based on aea365… you guys (editors, writers, all) are rock stars. Thank you for all you do.

  5. Pingback: Adventures of a new evaluator | insideinternalevaluation

  6. Pingback: Michelle Baron on AEA365 Postings | AEA365

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